Vision Day 2023
We are grateful for the opportunity to share our vision and mission for the year, and for the chance to grant Dream Ons to our team, their families and friends. We appreciate all that you do to help us build thriving communities and transform lives.
Vision Day is usually held at the beginning of each year with the purpose of sharing the direction and vision of the organization with the entire company. We lay out our compass and One-Year Bull’s Eye for the new year, share our strategy statement, and get the whole team excited about the journey and the march we are about to set out on. We also tell our story of how we got to where we are to date.
We held Vision Day early so our team could jump right into 2023 with clear company goals in mind. On December 22, we introduced DLP’s 2023 Compass:
Our Purpose: DREAM. LIVE. PROSPER. Passionately making an extraordinary impact by transforming lives and building thriving communities.
Our Mission: To become the largest investor in rental housing communities and camps in the world.
Our BHAG: Provide housing to 1 million people, and positively impact and transform 10 million lives leading to a spot on the Forbes list of top 100 private companies in America.
In addition, we rolled out our updated tagline, “Building thriving communities and transforming lives,” along with our three-year aim, our three non-negotiable goals, and our 2030 check points. These clearly-defined goals help our entire team and me as a leader as we continue to build DLP Capital’s legacy.
What makes Vision Day extra special, however, is being given the opportunity to grant several Dream Ons for many team members and their families. We granted 16 dreams ranging from providing event space for a nonprofit organization to helping a dad get back his freedom by adjusting his truck to hand controls. Being able to give back to those who make such an impact on our organization and communities is truly a highlight of the day.